The Honey Pot

The Restart

4 August 2024 Hello.

I first started The Honey Pot in September 2023 shortly after I was made redundant. It was an excellent outlet for my stress and anxiety, but like most things I start I eventually dropped it and have not updated the site since January 2024. I reached a point where I felt like I had nothing relevant to say, and that nobody would be interested in anything I posted anyway. This is probably not true, I was starting to interact with several great site owners somewhat regularly, but sometimes the negative thoughts win and it's hard to convince yourself they're wrong.

I would like to start back up again - I genuinely enjoy web design, and I enjoy reading other people's sites even more. I do hope it sticks more this time.

I am about to start seeing a therapist, and I have high hopes that this will help me keep up with the hobbies I enjoy.

I decided to restart the site from scratch, although I still use eleventy (11ty) to generate the static content. I didn't have any plans when I binned the old site (which is still safely stored in GitHub, so if I regret my decision it could easily come back) but I think I'm going for a sort of dusty old tome vibe, making site exploration a kind of adventure too. It could be fun, it could be shit - There's only one way to find out!

- H