The Honey Pot

The Site & Games

16 August 2024

I think I am finally happy with the design of the site. I like the feeling it gives me; with the orange and greens it feels a bit like a sunset. It's relaxing and easy-going, which is ultimately the sort of mood I'd like the site to be. It makes a nice change to my work, which is often full-on and stressful at the moment.

With the design of the site sort of finalised, I've been thinking about what content I actually want on here. When I first made the site I didn't plan it, I was hyped about being a part of the small web and the site just naturally became what it is at the moment - random blog posts, some gush about music, and a few recipes. I've been exploring a lot of other people's sites and while there are many personal sites that touch on many subjects, there are also some that focus a little bit more and I just adore the love and attention that's gone into them. I think I'd like my site to have a little focus, at least in one area.

One such site that I like to read is miela583's "What Video Game Did I Play Yesterday?". It's easy reading & friendly, and it reminded me of my own love of gaming. I don't play nearly as often as I used to, mostly because of life things getting in the way, but also because I've been going through a long period of, I don't quite know how to explain it - not exactly numbness, but quite apathetic to a lot of things that used to be important to me. I'd like this to change though, and miela's site has inspired me to try something with my own.

At the same time I was thinking all of this, I also remembered that I have a Steam Deck tucked away in its carry-case that I haven't touched in months. I dusted it off, updated the software, and decided to check out emulation. I'm really happy I did, it was so simple to do. I've chosen EmuDeck for emulation management, and I've chosen Pokemon Emerald as my first game. I've played other Pokemon games like Crystal, FireRed, and Shield, but I've never played Emerald.

I'm going to try to log my progress here - Not daily, I don't want to set too high a goal, but at least weekly progress of my new Pokemon adventure and we'll see how things go.

Without further ado, here is Finn the Mudkip, my starter Pokemon:

Finn the Mudkip

He's a little lonely but that's okay, I've got a feeling we're soon going to be best buds.

And this is our intrepid adventurer Honey, posing on the edge of Littleroot:

Player character from Pokemon Emerald

Wish Honey & Finn the best of luck!

~ Honey