Pokemon Emerald Ep.1 - Our Journey Begins
17 August 2024
To reiterate on my last post, I am playing through Pokemon Emerald for the first time. My name is Honey, and I'm on a quest to catch 'em all!
Or most of them at least.
This won't be peak l33t gamer commentary, don't even expect me to know the difference between EVs and IVs. It'll be a slow, but hopefully enjoyable game log.
First Steps
I moved to Littleroot Town with my mum, who callously made me take the journey in the back of the van with all the boxes. My dad's apparently a famous Pokemon trainer and was even on TV, but we missed him. He has not physically made an appearance, but I have a feeling we might be seeing him later.
I set my clock and darted off into the world. What my mother didn't tell the neighbours is the reason we had to move is because I'm a kleptomaniac. Foolishly nobody locks their doors in Littleroot so I broke into the neighbour's house, but right before I could steal a pokeball I was caught red-handed. May introduced herself as this game's rival and then she plonked down at her PC, presumably to update her Neocities site.
I saved Professor Birch from an angry Poochyena and this is where I met Finn. Together we battled through long grass, stomping Poochyena and Wurmple alike. During this Finn learnt Mudslap which does damage but also lowers accuracy, so that fast became my favourite move so far, however I only have tackle, growl and mudslap so that's not saying much. I made it to Oldale Town where Finn rested up, and then we hiked up to Route 103 where we met May again.
We soon dispatched of her Treecko, and together we ran back to Littleroot where Professor Birch sent us off to catalog all the animals in existence. To begin this journey we also received five pokeballs which I put to immediate use.
In the grass outside Oldale I caught Banzai the Poochyena and Grima the Wurmple.

I'm more curious about what Grima will evolve into, so she's going to take the lead for a little bit and let Finn take a break.
En Route to Route 102
We battled a few trainers here, made some good money and got great experience for Grima. I caught Lily the Lotad, but I foolishly forgot to buy more pokeballs so I missed out on a chance to catch a Ralts! Rats.
It wasn't long before Grima evolved into a Silcoon. Soon she will emerge a beautiful Beautifly!

We made it to Petalburg City where we met our dad (told you!) and a young chappy by the name of Wally. We helped him catch a Pokemon (a Ralts, just to rub salt in the wound) and then our dad told us to head off to Rustboro City to acquire our first gym badge. He refused to battle us, I think he's afraid of Banzai.
Before we march on, I thought I'd take some time for pensive reflection...

Next Time
Will Honey make it to Rustboro City? Will Grima evolve into a Beautifly? Will Finn find out who's been eating all his pecha berries?
Tune in next time to get the answers to all of these questions and more!
~ Honey